Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Health Care in this country

This is a comment I post in Digg. I would like to share with you.
What I am mad and disguised about the whole health care are the Republicans dead ageist the health care because the COST after Bush waste Billions in Iraq war.
Now the Republicans have the nerve to talk about this health care going to cost too much. After the Bush administration cause financial down fall of this country, high unemployment rate and mortgage defaults.
This is the time citizen in this country need this health care President Obama proposed. Because No job No roof over most people's head, at least there is a reasonable health care to keep people alive and healthy to look for jobs.
Both House and Senate members have good health care to take care of themselves. How could in their good conscious to vote to deny the rest of our citizens to have the same health care they enjoy. We will see what happen in the next election. We spooked loud in the last election. We will speak louder in next election