Sunday, May 31, 2009

Non-Smokers get Lung Cancer too. New test for lung cancer

I got this article on Diggs about blood test to detect lung cancer.
Post By Jo Macfarlane

British scientists have developed the first blood test for lung cancer which could save thousands of lives.

The revolutionary test picks up proteins in blood that are only produced as a reaction to the presence of lung cancer cells.

These proteins will appear long before tumours develop, meaning further investigations in the form of scans and biopsies could be started at a much earlier stage.

This is a great news! We have to know there is a new development on cancer. We all think only smokers get lung cancer, it is not true any more. My sister is a non-smoker, she had lung cancer. Lucky for her, she has a great family doctor, detected her condition early and treated her lung cancer and she is cancer free now. If there is a way to detect lung cancer by blood test. I am all for it.

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